RSU #22
Leroy H. Smith School
Parent Handbook
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This handbook is for you and your children. It outlines some of our school’s policies and procedures and provides general information about the school. We hope this will be of use to you throughout the school year. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to call the school or email Dawn Moore @ [email protected]. There is a district board policy book in the library, the principal’s office and online at RSU 22.us. District policies always take precedence over school policies.
The success of our school program is due largely to the partnership of parents, teachers, and community working together for our children. This handbook was written for Leroy H. Smith School community and describes many important practices specific to Smith School’s operation. We hope you will read the information in this handbook and that you will encourage your child to become familiar with its contents. Your support of our school, and of your child’s educational program, is needed and appreciated.
Mission Statement
RSU #22 is committed to the optimal learning of all students. To achieve our mission we are further committed to…
- Fostering and modeling a love of learning
- developing self-reliant, creative, and responsible citizens
- providing necessary resources
- creating a community of respect and caring
(Adopted by RSU #22 Board of Directors, June 5, 2002)
RSU#22 Core Values
- Respect
- Honesty/Ethical Behavior
- Responsibility
- Compassion/Empathy
RSU#22 Essential Behaviors and Outcomes
Employees of RSU#22 pledge to work with students, parents, and the community to help students acquire the skills necessary to become effective learners.
- Effective learners think Creatively and Critically
- Effective learners use Appropriate Resources to seek access, apply, and evaluate knowledge.
- Effective learners monitor and balance their physical and emotional Well-Being.
- Effective learners Communicate through a variety of Media and for a variety of purposes.
- Effective learners have knowledge and skills to exercise their responsibilities as Citizens in school and in local, national, and global settings.
School-Wide Expectations
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
Possible consequences involve: verbal warning, discussion with the student, a short time-out for think time, loss of recess, a call to the parents, loss of privileges or a visit to the principal’s office. Though rare at the Smith School, in-school suspensions or suspensions may occur.
The RSU #22 Code of Conduct was adopted on September 3, 2003. This is a state requirement. You may view the entire document at school or on the RSU #22 web site at http://www.rsu22.us
School Hours
Students may arrive at school at 7:20am, when supervision begins. The school cannot be held responsible for students who arrive before this supervision time. The school breakfast program begins at this time as well, and ends at 7:45am. Teachers arrive in their classrooms at 7:20am, and after 7:50am students are considered tardy. The official start time of school is 7:50. Students are dismissed for the day at 2:00pm.
Attendance and punctual arrival are seen as highly important components of the educational process. We will be concerned about the student unless you notify our office at 223-4282 prior to the start of school about any absence. If you have not notified the office by 9:00 AM, you will receive an automated phone call stating that your child is absent. If you do not call school to notify the office of the reason for absence, your child will have an unexcused absence. A parent or guardian MUST send a note giving the reason for the absence to the student’s teacher on the first day of their return to school. These notes are kept on file at school. Pupil absences are excused for the following reasons: pupil illness, illness or death in the family, religious obligations, medical appointments, and others as arranged between the parent and the principal. Students must also have a note from a parent or guardian before being excused during the school day for medical appointments. Students must be dismissed through the office for any appointments. Students who are absent from school are responsible for acquiring assignments and completing missed work. Inconsistent school attendance will affect school performance and will be reflected on the student’s report card. Arrangements should be made through the principal’s office when long absences are expected.
If under exceptional circumstances, your child is required by his/her doctor to take medications during school hours and you cannot be at school to administer the medication, please contact the office. They will need to talk with you and provide you with the proper form to fill out. The form must be signed by you and your child’s physician prior to administration of any medication. Handwritten notes cannot be used. The prescription must be in the original container. Also, district policy states that no medications are to be transported by students on the buses. We appreciate your cooperation with this safety rule.
Emergency Forms/Information
Emergency forms are necessary because we need the telephone numbers of responsible adults who can be reached during the day in case a child becomes ill or has had an emergency. Please inform us of any changes in work, home, and emergency contact phone numbers. Updated emergency forms are essential. Also, copies of any court orders, protection orders, etc., must be provided to the school, and will be kept with student records.
School Counseling Program
Our school counselor works with students, parents and school staff to help support the social, emotional and academic growth of all students. This comprehensive program includes weekly classroom guidance lessons, small groups and individual meetings with students. Our school counselor is available to help all students with a variety of skills such as: working well with others, goal setting, solving friendship problems, managing feelings and dealing with peer pressure and more! Our school counselor:
- Presents classroom lessons
- Meets with students individually
- Leads small groups
- Collaborates with teachers and administrators
- Consults with parents
- Helps with community resource referrals
- Supports the overall school environment
If you have questions or would like more information about our counseling program , please contact our school counselor: Kim Raymond, [email protected]
Textbooks and Library Books
Each student is responsible for his/her books and resource materials. Library and Title One books signed out/taken home by a student should be returned in good condition, or the cost of the book must be paid.
Early Dismissal Days
On early release day(s), students are served lunch early and dismissed at 11:30am. Please let us know if your child will have any transportation changes on these days.
All visitors, including parents and volunteers, are asked to sign in at the office before visiting any part of the school. Parents wishing to speak to staff members should call and schedule a mutually agreeable time.
Safety is a prime concern at the Leroy H Smith School. The school safety plan is updated annually and addresses everyday safety as well as emergency situations. There is an evacuation plan if that should be necessary. Your child should not bring dangerous or distracting items to school such as toy guns, knives, toys, electronics, jewelry, etc. We ask parents to support our efforts to provide a safe environment by reinforcing school expectations with their children regarding behavior at school, on buses, and walking to and from school. For the sake of all children’s safety, we ask that parents drop their children off at the two entrances and not go down to their child’s classroom unless volunteering. We ask parents to follow safe driving practices at drop-off and pickup times, avoid bus areas, and to not leave running vehicles unattended.
All bus information must be received in writing. You can send this information with your child in the morning or email the office at [email protected] until 1:00 PM. Phone calls will not be accepted. When notifying the office of a bus change, please include the name and address of where your child will be going. If your child is being picked up, please include the name of the person picking your child up.
Lunch/Breakfast Program and Snack Time
Breakfast is available each day at a price of $1.55. Lunch cost is $2.55. Lunch milk is $.55. Children who meet federal income guidelines are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals. An application will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. Please send money in with your child’s name in a clearly marked envelope. Each day the children will have a short snack time. Please send a simple, nutritious snack. Students may not purchase or bring soda to school. You may deposit money into an online account at http://www.Myschoolbucks.com. Please call the school for your child’s id number.
Home/School Communication
Various newsletters are sent/mailed home from individual classrooms, the school office, and the school district. Occasionally, students are photographed and perhaps mentioned by name when a special event/project is included. Parents will need to sign a form allowing or not allowing their child to be featured in this way.
There is no better way for a parent to become informed about classroom activities than to become involved with them by working as a volunteer. Board policy requires all volunteers to fill out a “Volunteer Registration” form, provide a copy of Maine Driver’s License or State of Maine ID and wait the results of a Public Criminal History Records Check and a Maine Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check. Please call the office at 223-4282 to set up a mutually convenient time.
Report Cards/Parent-Teacher Conferences
Report cards go home three times each year to keep you informed about your child’s progress in a variety of areas. Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled in November, but please don’t hesitate to call the school if you have any questions or concerns at any time. Report cards will be sent to noncustodial parents as requested. Noncustodial parents may wish to provide the school with stamped, self-addressed envelopes in order to be informed of school events. The website at smith.rsu22.us is also a good place to check for school events.
Children will visit the library once every six days for a library skills lesson, story, video, or craft time. They will be given free choice to select a library book of interest to them. It is hoped that the children will develop a lifelong love of books and libraries, while gaining a sense of responsibility and community sharing.
Physical Education
Physical education at the Smith School meets two or three times every six days. Children learn cooperation, teamwork, independent thinking, and build self-esteem. Lessons focus on movement education, particularly in the area of locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills. Within an often fast moving PE class, it is important for all children to adhere to our safety rules which are reviewed before each class. Children need to dress appropriately on PE days. Sneakers and comfortable pants are preferred. If for any reason your child should not participate in PE class, please let the office know.
The RSU #22 Kindergarten through Fourth Grade music curriculum includes the following five areas: movement, instruments, singing, listening, and composing. Classes meet once every six days.
Gifted/Talented Program
RSU #22 offers programming for students in grades three and four who qualify and exhibit strengths in specific academic areas. Enrichment programming in reading/language arts, math, and creative writing provides an extension to the regular classroom curriculum.
Classes meet once every six days for grades kindergarten through fourth. Art is mostly a “hands on” activity with the exception of focused study at each grade level on a particular artist. Art work is displayed in school hallways and some work is selected for area exhibits.
Literacy and Math Support Services (Title I)
The Smith School students who qualify are entitled to receive support services in reading and math in addition to their regular classroom programs. The Smith School employs three and a half highly qualified Title I teachers and two educational technicians.
Lost and Found
Items of clothing, school materials, and other personal belongings found in the school will be placed in the “Lost and Found” area, which is located at the main entrance to the cafeteria. Please label your child’s possessions. The school is not responsible for lost or damaged items.
Field Trips
You will be notified in advance of any field trips that we may be taking. Your child will bring home a notice describing the field trip, with a permission form and other information about the trip. On some trips, we may ask for volunteers to accompany us.
Transferring Students
Students planning to transfer are requested to notify the school office a week in advance. This gives our staff time to notify teachers and to prepare records.
Special Services
Special Education services are available through the IEP (Individual Educational Plan) process, for any students who need support beyond the regular instructional program. If you or your child’s teacher have any concerns about your child’s social, emotional, academic, or intellectual development, the Student Assistant Team may work with your child’s teacher to support him/her to provide for your child’s needs.
Clothing and Supplies
Your child should wear appropriate, comfortable, and practical clothes to school. The children will be participating in active play on the playground, as well as in the gym. Your child should bring a backpack to school each day so that supplies, notes, and books can travel safely to and from school. Important school notices are sent home on a regular basis.
Outside play is an important part of your child’s development. Please dress your child appropriately according to the weather. If your child is not feeling well enough to go outside for recess, the child should be home that day. All children are expected to go out at recess time. We go outside when temperatures are above 10 degrees, including wind chill.
Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions or need information.
Dawn Moore, Principal: [email protected]
Smith School: 223-4282